an icon of a white man with long orange hair in a loose ponytail. He has green eyes, slightly pointed ears, and is wearing a silver crown.


I • Admin


— 0013

Date Created

— July 6th, 2024


main ref


— Open for RP

Content Warnings

— blank


— blank

II • Playlist

song . artist

song . artist

song . artist

song . artist

III • General

First Name

— Halcyon • pronounced hal-SEE-on, a name of Greek origin meaning "kingfisher bird".

Last Name

— Daehorn • pronounced DYE-horn, a generic elvish surname.

Nicknames / Aliases

— Scion • a nickname derived both from the latter end of his name and his position as heir.

Age / Birthdate

— 23 / June 7th

Gender / Pronouns

— Cismasc / he/him


— Gay


— Human / Fae

IV • Appearance

Height / Body Shape

— 5'9/175cm / I3


— Long, orange, slightly wavy. Usually kept in a loose ponytail.


— Slightly upturned, green


— Warm, tawny beige with freckles

Other Features

— A close-shaven goatee


— None


— Simple earrings


— A silver crown

Style / Aesthetic

— Typical royal formal clothing, though he prefers less vibrant colors.

Important Items

— The aforementioned crown.

V • Personality


— Neutral good


— Reckless, privileged, kind-hearted, egotistical, friendly


— Patrols, training, drinking


— Swordfighting, horseriding


— blank


— blank

Goals / Motivations

— Have as much fun as he can before the weight of the Kingdom falls on his shoulders

Fears / Conflicts

— The pressure to marry and have children, his parents will die and he won't be ready

Pet Peeves

— Overuse of servants


— blank


— The Kingdom will hate him as a King, he's not fit to bear the crown


— blank


Voluptatum eos ab nemo cupiditate aspernatur sunt voluptatem sit. Consequuntur rerum nostrum soluta molestias officia. Unde culpa corrupti rerum. Temporibus debitis veritatis incidunt rerum aut soluta voluptas non. Officiis consequatur dicta fuga est eaque voluptas. Laudantium tempora id cumque pariatur odio ex voluptatem.

VI • Health

Mental Condition

— N/A

Mental Health

— Overall Positive

Physical Conditions

— N/A

Physical Health

— Excellent


— N/A

VII • Relationships


— King Aymar Daehorn — Alive, Tense. Halcyon's relationship with his father is strained by the fact that Aymar expects Halcyon to behave in ways more befitting the Crown Prince, while Halcyion wishes to avoid the stuffy lifestyle of an important royal figure as long as possible.


— High Queen Dahlia Sunshade — Alive, Distant. Halcyon rarely sees his mother, since she spends the vast majority of her time in the Fae Empire. He regularly begs his father to allow him to live there for some time while he still can, something Dahlia also wants, but Aymar refuses his requests on the basis that he will never rule the Fae Kingdom, and needs to stay close to the people he will rule over.


— Princess Holly Sunshade — Alive, Close. Holly, much to their father's chagrin, lives in the Kingdom of Sador for the same reason Halcyon desires to live in the Fae Empire. She is, herself, much more drawn to the mundane Kingdom, and wishes that the Treaty stated that she would rule it. There is little resentment between the two over it, as Halcyon wishes the same thing.

VIII • History


— Crown Prince

Location / Residence

— Upper Citadel, the Kingdom of Sador


— The High Palace, Fae Empire

Act 1 — Circumstances of Birth

The Mundane (a name given to all non-immortal races) Kingdom of Sador and the Fae (a name given to all immortal races, as well as the name of the most common race) Empire had been at war for centuries, resulting in battlefields tainted with lifetimes of blood. Neither side could ever gain advantage; the Fae had significantly more skill and power, while the Mundane had atronomically higher numbers.

After 428 long years of war, a treaty was signed.

The High Queen of the Fae Empire and the King of Sador, who had both lost their spouses in the war, would marry each other and produce two heirs; one to rule each realm.

Using Fae Magicks, it was gauranteed that the High Queen, Dahlia, would give birth to first a daughter, and then a son. The daughter would rule the Fae Empire, and the son would rule Sador, and their shared blood would end the war.

Act 2 — Early Childhood

Voluptatum eos ab nemo cupiditate aspernatur sunt voluptatem sit. Consequuntur rerum nostrum soluta molestias officia. Unde culpa corrupti rerum. Temporibus debitis veritatis incidunt rerum aut soluta voluptas non. Officiis consequatur dicta fuga est eaque voluptas. Laudantium tempora id cumque pariatur odio ex voluptatem.

Act 3

Voluptatum eos ab nemo cupiditate aspernatur sunt voluptatem sit. Consequuntur rerum nostrum soluta molestias officia. Unde culpa corrupti rerum. Temporibus debitis veritatis incidunt rerum aut soluta voluptas non. Officiis consequatur dicta fuga est eaque voluptas. Laudantium tempora id cumque pariatur odio ex voluptatem.

IX • Combat


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— blank


— blank


— blank

X • Species

Voluptatum eos ab nemo cupiditate aspernatur sunt voluptatem sit. Consequuntur rerum nostrum soluta molestias officia. Unde culpa corrupti rerum. Temporibus debitis veritatis incidunt rerum aut soluta voluptas non. Officiis consequatur dicta fuga est eaque voluptas. Laudantium tempora id cumque pariatur odio ex voluptatem.

XI • Author's Note

As is true for most of my OCs, Halcyon's lore is very flexible. This canon is meant to be a basis to work off of, and isn't strict, but I also don't mind roleplaying within Halcyon's universe if a partner wishes to.