a bust of a character with white skin. They have gold pupilless eyes, a long forked tongue, animalistic downturned ears, short wavy blonde hair, and crescent moon shaped gold horns. They are wearing a black button up shirt with a brown vest, as well as a gold neckless with moon and star charms.


I • Admin


— oo1o

Date Created

— May 1st, 2024


main refs


— Open for RP

Content Warnings

— blank


— 05-03: Done for now, personality section will be completed once I get a chance to use him.

II • Playlist

song . artist

song . artist

song . artist

song . artist

III • General

First Name

— Auriel • pronounced AWR-ee-el, a name of Latin origin meaning "gold".

Last Name

— Lunaris • pronounced LUNE-arr-ee, a name of Latin origin directly translating to “related to the moon".

Nicknames / Aliases

— Golden Brother • a nickname derived from his golden appearance in contrast with his twin sister.

Age / Birthdate

— 23 / November 21st

Gender / Pronouns

— Cis Man / he/him


— Gay


— Hybrid (Sheep Satyr / Dracon)


— Dracon

IV • Appearance

Height / Body Shape

— 5'8 / G5, muscle


— Blonde, short and wavy


— Large downturned eyes with large gold irises and no pupils and barely visible black sclera.


— White (as in the color, not natural skintone) with medium grey scales on his cheeks, forehead, and shoulders.

Other Features

— Naturally black lips, other features listed in the species section


— None


— Bridge and septum


— A gold necklace with crescent moon and star pennants.

Style / Aesthetic

— Dark academia adjacent

Important Items

— The aforementioned necklace, which is his family's insignia

V • Personality


— Lawful Good


— blank


— Reading, Oil Painting


— Photographic Memory


— blank


— blank

Goals / Motivations

— blank

Fears / Conflicts

— blank

Pet Peeves

— blank


— blank


— blank


— blank


Voluptatum eos ab nemo cupiditate aspernatur sunt voluptatem sit. Consequuntur rerum nostrum soluta molestias officia. Unde culpa corrupti rerum. Temporibus debitis veritatis incidunt rerum aut soluta voluptas non. Officiis consequatur dicta fuga est eaque voluptas. Laudantium tempora id cumque pariatur odio ex voluptatem.

VI • Health

Mental Condition

— N/A

Mental Health

— Excellent

Physical Conditions

— Angelicism • (ann-JELL-iss-izh-uhm) A condition that mostly affects the appearance and magical abilities of the individual. This generally doesn't cause health problems, but there are some preconcieved notions about angelics that can be harmful. Auriel's eyes, wings, blood, and magic are all affected by his angelicism. He also has an extra eye on his collarbone, golden halos around his wrists, and an extra set of small non-functional wings on his ankles.

Physical Health

— Good


— Fairy Limes

VII • Relationships

Biological Mother

— Iarid Lunaris nee. Dieryn — (EE-ahr-id | DEE-err-in) Iarid was the most available of Auriel's parents, which led to them forming a deeper emotional bond, while his relationship with his other parents is largely admiration-based.

Biological Father

— Nomyd Lunaris — (NO-mid) Nomyd manages the finances of the Lunaris family, and is generally well-respected. He spends most of his time working, which has led to a somewhat weak relationship compared to Auriel's other parents.


— Eosyth Lunaris nee. Zoverae — (EE-oh-sith | zoh-VEHR-ay) Eosyth attended the Lymosian Royal Acedemy when he was young, and did a lot of adventuring work. His stories were what sparked Auriel's initial interest in books, and the two are very close.

Twin Sister

— Argyra Lunaris — (ahr-JEER-uh) Often called the "Silver Sister" by family. The pair are extremely close, even though Argyra has been travelling since the two were 16.

Paternal Uncle

— Vinoa Elzryr nee. Lunaris — (vih-NO-uh | el-zh-REER) Vinoa is one of the Emperor's spouses, and therefore a member of the Royal Council. Outside of his parents and sister, Vinoa is the relative that Auriel is closest to.

VIII • History


— Student

Location / Residence

— Emperor's Palace in Dracon


— Northern Dracon

Act 1 - Childhood

Auriel was born to the most well-known hybrid family in Dracon, the Lunaris. Much of his family's current prominence is tied to the fact that Auriel's great uncle is one of the Emperor's spouses, though the family has always been prevalent. Being born to such a high-ranking Dracon family lended to Auriel having a fairly easy childhood, though familial loss has always hit him hard. Several of his cousins died of scalerot when he was a preteen, which led to a fear of the disease (which is most often non-fatal, especially with access to good healers).

Most of his time was spent in libraries, even when he would visit his aunts and uncles (he views his uncles' spouses as aunts and uncles as well, since they were married before his birth) in the palace, he'd end up submerging himself in the royal library.

That isn't to say he wasn't a sociable child; he always found it easy to make friends, and would spend time with them or family whenever he wasn't absorbed in a book.

Act 2 - Adolescence

As Auriel got older, his interest in fiction began to fade in favor of history, especially the history of the Dracon. He was particularly interested in the history of their religion, worship of the ancient Dragon Riders of the North who stayed behind when the rest of the Dracon fled South. He lamented not being born priest-worthy, as only priests, their charges, and the direct Royal Family had access to the original tomes of their faith.

This led to him spending more and more time at the Palace, speaking to the Emperor and her spouses about what they had read of the tomes. He would often beg to speak to a priest directly, but his requests were always denied.

Act 3 - Early Adulthood (Present)

When Auriel reached the age where attending an Academy was an option, he immediately chose the Academy of Dracon Faith. The Academy was near the Palace, which allowed Auriel to move into the palace rather than moving into the school.

It isn't uncommon for members of the indirect Royal Family to live in the Palace rather than their family home, but Auriel sticks out purely by matter of dress. His clothing style is on the more formal side, but it's still of lower quality than most residents of the palace (even the staff).

IX • Combat


— N/A


— Flight, Baseline Magical Abilities


— N/A


— N/A


— N/A

X • Species

Auriel comes from a hybrid¹ family of Dracon and Sheep Satyrs.

"Dracon" is a fairly universal word—it refers to the nation, the nationality, the species, etc.. Dracon are humanoid beings who resemble dragons; the vast majority have horns, some amount of scaling, slitted pupils, and a tail. Over half of the population have functional wings, while about a quarter of them have brachypterous wings. Dracon tend to be either taller than what would be considered human "averages"; very few Dracon are under 6 feet/180 centimeters.

Sheep Satyrs are a specific subspecies of satyr who live in the rocky plains of Torinc. They tend to live in large groups, and like most flocking satyr species, are nomadic. This nomadic lifestyle leads to increased hybrid populations in countries outside of Torinc, and several long-established hybrid families. Physically, they have curly hair, thicker body hair, horns, rectangular pupils, and sheep-like lower legs. They tend to be 4-6 feet/120 to 180 centimeters tall.

Species Traits


— Large feathered golden wings on his back, which are functional, as well as a small pair of brachypterous wings on each of his ankles which are present due to angelicism.


— A large grey scaled tail with a plume of fur the same color and texture of his hair.


— Two golden crescent shaped horns just above his forehead.


— Downturned sheep-like ears with fur-like plumage on the outside the same color as his hair.


— Long canines and a long forked tongue.

XI • Author's Note

Auriel's story is based in my world, Domicilia (like many of my characters), but his story and species details can be modified to fit other settings.

¹ Hybridization doesn't dilute generationally, which is why people born into the Lunaris family have a 50/50 split of Dracon and Sheep Satyr genes. An individual will always be an even ratio of their parents' species, even if their ancestry is uneven. However, after many generations of "dilution", offspring may not be hybrids. (return)